MGS, LLC‘s network of defense and security industry partners includes many of the world’s leading manufacturers and suppliers in the defense and security industry as well as the firearms and ammunition industry. Amtec Less Lethal, CAA Gear Up, DM Holdings, Drone Shield Ebad, Eotech Inc., Fazer, General Dynamics, Katadyn, Kestrel, LEID, Leupold, Magpul Industries, MDT, Mustang Survival, O.F. Mossberg, Pacem, Safe Boats, Safran Group, Simunition, Smith & Wesson, SRM Arms, St. Marks Powder Co., Surefire, Theon Sensors (EFA Group), Trijicon, Wescom
Drone Countermeasures
Ammunition Components & Equipment
Vehicles & Vehicle Spares
Security & Law Enforcement
Weapons & Weapon Systems
Training & Integration
Weapon Parts & Accessories
Export Sales
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