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Integrity & Experience Page

This is the “about us” page for MGS, LLC, which assists government clients in the acquisition of defense, security, police and military equipment from top global suppliers. The page includes awards and distinctions earned by MGS Intl and lists the many community organizations that MGS supports. Export Import Bank of the United States (EXIM), Certified Export Compliance Professional (CECP), National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), National Association of Sporting Goods Wholesalers (NASGW), National Shooting Sports Foundation, American Heritage Foundation, Hispanic Business Association, Association of the U.S. Army, USO, Task Force Dagger and Ducks Unlimited

Drone Countermeasures
Ammunition Components & Equipment
Vehicles & Vehicle Spares
Security & Law Enforcement 
Weapons & Weapon Systems
Training & Integration
Weapon Parts & Accessories
Export Sales
©2020 MGS, LLC